The Source of Miracles by Kathleen McGowan
This book is a guide to using The Lord’s Prayer as a spiritual practice. Each of the 6 main precepts in the prayer corresponds to the petals of a rose often used in the center of a labyrinth such as the one at The Chartres Cathedral in France. The prayer can be “walked” as it is recited. The precepts for each petal are Have Faith, Surrender, Be of Service, Prepare for Abundance, Forgive, Conquer Obstacles and the center of The Rose is Love.
I found this book helpful, giving new life to and insight on how to use a prayer that has been used by millions of people for over two thousand years. It is easy to read and presents a simple positive practice that the reader can use if so desired.
This book would appeal to those looking for a spiritual practice; those wanting to explore labyrinths or having an interest in The Lord’s Prayer.