The Power of Half is a book that might revolutionize the charity system. This is a story about a family of wealth and the receptiveness of the parents to the daughter's ideas and thinking.
This family lived the luxurious life with anything they wanted at their disposal.
One day a homeless man wandered into their luxurious neighborhood. As the family drove by the homeless man the daughter saw the despair that is observed among fellow citizens. With this sticking in her head she felt a need to do something about it. With much discussion with her parents a direction was established for the family. They decided to downsize their life. The first move was to sell their mansion in Atlanta and take the proceeds to buy a much smaller house and donate one half of the the balance to charities.
After the dramatic change in their living standards they became a happier and closer family. The family continued to make sure that they served the needy.
This book was written by the father and daughter in this family. It is a touching real life story of a family that took a strong move against a greedy lifestyle.
"The Power of Half" by Kevin and Hannah Salwen
Mar 17, 2011