Celia West is a forensic accountant and seemingly average twenty something professional woman. However, her parents are superheroes Captain Olympus and Spark. Celia, who has no superpowers, has tried her whole life to distance herself from the adrenaline filled life her parents lead and to lead her own quiet life. However, she has been the target of many kidnappings in her life, as various villains attempted to use her to thwart her parents and their work keeping Commerce City free of crime. As Celia is drawn in once again to the crime fighting superhero world she uncovers secrets about her family, romance, compassion and understanding for her parents and other superheroes and comes to terms with herself and her father.
While there is a somewhat comic book feeling to the story, those who have never read a comic book will also enjoy the story. While very different than Vaughn’s Kitty the Werewolf series, fans will enjoy After the Golden Age as well.