The Litigators by John Grisham

Aug 11, 2012

If you’ve taken a break from Grisham, thought his stories were sounding too similar, come back to a page-turner where the verdict might be predictable but the road along the way is witty with likable characters.  Three litigators are struggling in their professions.  When young attorney David Zinc finally cannot take another day at the powerful law firm where he has toiled grueling hours in international bonds, he stumbles into the street-lawyer firm of Finley & Figg in a bit of a drunken stupor. Partners Oscar Finley and Wally Figg take this escapee from the corporate world into their ambulance-chasing operation.  The Harvard grad brings a new drive to their firm but, when their get-rich-quick plan of suing a mega pharmaceutical company takes them to uncharted territory, Zinc is called on to rescue Finley and Figg in more ways than even he had imagined.  In The Litigators Grisham mixes his crisp legal style and courtroom drama with the warmth of flawed and funny characters to create a great summer read.

Reviewed by Library Staff