Haruf once again sets his story—this slice of life—in Holt, Colorado, a fictional town on the high plains. Dad and Mary Lewis have been married for over 50 years. The book chronicles the last few months of Dad’s life as he succumbs to cancer. The atmosphere of the book is sepia-toned yet down to earth. Much of life in this rural town depends on the weather, which seems to be a favorite theme of Haruf’s. Change comes to Holt in the form of a pastor who has ideas deemed radical by most of the town where new ideas are not generally welcome. In this and other subplots, including back stories, the fabric of Holt and the people in it are woven into a quilt of life. Dad’s upcoming death presents a sad overtone but overall the book celebrates the individual stories that make up a community. Readers who enjoy character development and a gentle yet gripping story will enjoy this story of a seemingly simpler life.
Benediction by Kent Haruf
May 16, 2013