

White Death

By Rachel Karner

Daring to yearn for freedom as

the doors of your prison open

the view of white death before you

all of your small hopes broken

standing in a door between hell’s

cold fingers brush your skin

beautiful death covers the hills

Forgotten: The Holocaust

By Alexa Schnieders

The horror, the brutality

eats away at my heart until I no longer

see the need to go on.

I bite my lip,

holding in the


the remorce

the screams

I want the world to hear.

but they won’t.

Don’t Try to Understand

By Bethanie Powell

The words that I say may confuse you

corrupt your mind

drive you crazy

but the one thing

it is for sure to do

is kill you

make you cry

try to run

but the words

will find you

Shades of Darkness

By Drew Wilson

Horrific scenery fills my mind

Some from the future, some from behind

Nightmare images that fill others with Dread

The world would be better if My Kind were dead

In spite of the sacrifices of those we’re above

Rainy Nights

By Abbey Mock

I sit in my bed,

Rain pouring outside,

Sadness of the past flooding through my windows,

The night that my father left,

The day he decided I did not matter,

At a young age,

I was left alone,

On a rainy night like this one,


By Ben Jensen

She was like a spider.

Walking youthfully and childlike,

on the verge of being crushed.

What the Fck You, excerpt

By David Marrero

Every time that you

promise It puts me in this

constant positive mood then

you let me down

why don’t you just stop it?

Straight Back To Nothingness

By Becky Peda

Honestly, if you ever think about it

No one ever knows where to turn,

The corridors are melting into hallways

These hallways are melting into hell.


By Rachel Franklin

Tonight I let my shadow wind around my ankles

Soft fingers pulling me down as I succumb to myself.

I look inside to find a growing grasping black.

You should have risen by now, your cadence the only light


By Gage Oshman

I wish more things were black.

Watch the depression stack

Bury the emotion in a deep sack

Take all the hate and give it back

The whip of remorse has a thundering crack

I wish more things were black.

To Build a Home

By Amani Raheel

My ma says

She pushed my stroller

around the bumpy streets of

Queens, Jamaica, Long Island,

even Manhattan,

Through rain and snow, all



Finding no help from the

passengers, all ignoring her

silent plea


By Emily Steinmetz

Walking step by step to a place unknown,

people look past me like I’m a monster,

part of the disowned.

My heart is lost and I’m brought to a shadow of blue,

cheeks stained with tears,

a feeling that is far from new.

By the time the night is over,