Let Me Show Me

By: Bailey Reinoehl

Look at her,

I look at myself.

I see him,

I see myself.

I find what I want...

It’s not an option.

Color shows on her hair,

color shows in my eyes.

Color brightens his arms,

color runs from my mind.

Color is what I want...

It’s not an option.

Change is in her veins,

change is in my soul.

Change looks at me,

change turns away.

Change is what I want...

It’s not an option.

Spirit moves them left and right,

spirit moves only my heart.

Spirit rushes people to new places,

spirit rushes back home.

Spirit is what I want...

It’s not an option.

Joy brightens their eyes,

joy brightens, then lightens.

Joy sparks their lives,

joy sparks, then dies.

Joy is what I want...

It’s not an option.

Expression lightens their day,

expression lightens my thoughts.

Expression pulls them farther,

expression pulls me to dream.

Expression is what I want...

It’s not an option.

Parents want me perfect,

parents want no change.

Parents see no other way,

parents see only their way.

Parents must see what I want;

It’s not an option.