
By: Theo Elliot Goodloe

On the third day, we took the shortest way

Climbed a mountain and I stayed

Found my wings, and dropped down

While I died, heard a sound

And the sound told me things

That had once pulled my strings

Then I saw my true self

Overhead the crows spun round the peak

The sound was coming from their beaks

My body dashed across the rocks

My mind recovered from the shock

A thousand little nerves of mine cried out

Released the pain, forgot the doubt

Liberated, no longer bound

All I heard was sound

And the crows turned to angels

My body felt so grateful

When the squawks changed to singing

My ears joyfully ringing

So if you hear such a sound

Don’t look back and don’t look down

And if you understand all the singing

Hopefully you’ll be thinking

Sound is me, and I am sound.

When I first decided on the topic and title of our first issue, I realized that I would have to write something myself. After reading all the submissions, my task became especially daunting. This magazine contains what I believe to be truly inspired content and I hope those reading it will feel the same. It is my privilege to be a part of this magazine, and to work alongside the keen minds of my peers. So without further ado, I give you the first issue of what I hope will be many more to come. This piece is my darkside: what’s yours?