
By: Delaney Herman

I’m torn between two worlds

One where I’m accepted from what I’ve become

And another where I’m hated for who I’ve been.

Each day I walk the line between the worlds

Trying to keep each other apart

But I know one day I will fail

And the two worlds will collide.

I try hard to escape

And find a place where I can be free from me:

The fake me I’ve created out of many lies

That has made me a friend to everyone

And the me that is misunderstood

By the friends that have been blinded

By the lies that I have told.

One day I will slip up.

One day I will get the me’s mixed up and then

Once the fatal error’s made I won’t be the same.

The black abyss will consume what is left

And when I am gone who will notice

That freak in the back of the room

Was actually the real me.