
What Made Me Who I Am

By Kyle Huffaker

I get part of her one day.

And a part of her the next.

I rarely see the same side twice.

But I don’t blame her,

 Because she is dying inside.

My Brother

By Grace Hoskins

He makes me laugh

He makes me smile

We goof off

He sees a side of me that no one else sees

The silly side the ridiculous side

The “Let’s make up a word to mean this” side

We have each other’s back

Dear Body

By Melissa Herzberg

Dear Body,

I’m sorry 

For all of the hate you're given

I know you're just trying to make a living

And go on with your life as it is

But every day you're seen in a mirror

And at that moment you’re seen clearer

The Days After

By Allyssa Herlein

It was a dark room. Dark enough that it was hard to tell whether my eyes were open or closed, unless I was looking at the chains that bound my wrists—a dull silver color.