

By Allyssa Herlein

Passion: A word I can’t even say because of my lisp.

Inspire: Another word I can’t say because of my lisp.

Things like this are the reasons many people lose hope.

We go in with a mindset of: “They are going to laugh at me”


Beginning // End

By Allison Gliesman

Today, I am the only song you’ve ever known all the words to.  I am the first person who ever meant it and the last thought you can manage before you close your eyes. You look at me, and all you see is light. You look at me, blinded, and you tell me you’re the happiest person alive.

the world of song

By Alice Crist

The world of song is like a gentle stroke of a paint brush on a canvas creating what ever beautiful creation you desire.  

Ode to Saxophone

By Ali Robinson

I awaken you from your slumber,

as I slide you out of your safe, velvet bed.

I ask you to help me play the tunes

that dance around in my head.

I taste the sweet cleanser that resides on your reed,

as I dampen it,