

By Jon Reene

A poem should be equal to what I find engaging

the way the scene keeps shifting around

The first couple stanzas thrown down

For all of a sudden the iron mask represents

The barrier between the author and me


By Ayah Abdul Rauf

Her sympathy

made his pain

all the more real...

Night Rain

By Julia Marquez

You listened, drifting

in that half asleep

dream world-

a tiger roared

a brave tree fell,


and black

thunder grumbled

outside your window,



don’t tell

Bodies Revealed: A Non-Linear Essay

By Candice Ladd


“I am going on a diet,” she announced.

“But McKenzie, you're only six! Besides, you’re beautiful!” I shot back.

“But,” she insisted, “I need to lose weight.

“No, you do not. I’m your nanny, I know these things. Now eat your lunch.”