
Love Like a Two Dollar Bill

By Zoë Christianson

When I offered you

A heart full of love

You responded,

like this woman in a toy store

when I tried to spend a two dollar bill

a relative had given me

years ago, when I was young...


By Rachel Franklin

Every day, I walk along the same road,

A path of work and play, the route I know.

Every day, I carry the same, tiring load,

A burden of hopes, fears, and woe.


By Connie Hu

From afar

          it melts into the brush.

Thick, thorny weeds

          ravage its pitiful landscape.

It is forbidding terrain,

Rainy Nights

By Abbey Mock

I sit in my bed,

Rain pouring outside,

Sadness of the past flooding through my windows,

The night that my father left,

The day he decided I did not matter,

At a young age,

I was left alone,

On a rainy night like this one,