

By Margot Newcomer

Standing on this stage, my life flashing before

My eyes, I remember a time of Youthful

Bliss where the impossible was possible.

Yes, I am a Dreamer

By Mary Kaitlan Schmitt

Yeah, I’m a dreamer,

I dream of so many things.

But do you know what separates all

you other dreamers from me?

You all actually work to achieve your

dreams, you

dream about the future and what you

want to become.

A Spectacular View

By Leslie Goodwin

A cool breeze shuffled my hair, causing deep chestnut strands to tangle in my eye lashes. As my purse swung loosely at my hip, I slowly lifted my hand to shield my defenseless eyes against the brilliant sun. I exhaled deeply, letting the awe and amazement settle in the pit of my stomach.