
dial tone

By Arden Pryor

I have learned to predict when the last dial tone will be

interrupted by

the subhuman voice.

I can’t tell you exactly how many beeps it takes,

but somehow it’s always 1 and a half beeps


By Anonymous

i don’t leave my house except for

school and work, both of which

i dread with anxiety like gym

weights. i never work out either

because there are people who

watch me, every hour of the day.

i listen to music to make sure i

Cave of Tzfat, Israel

By Emily Natanova

Together we stood in the small cave

Tucked away in the undergrounds of Tzfat,

The trail illuminated only by the flashlights gripped between our fingers.

Shattered glass scattered below our feet,


decades of graffiti embroidered the walls;


By Jessica Zhao

At the age of five

Mary has built herself a retreat

A box made out of her father’s rusty carving knife

(which was quickly confiscated)

And a soggy line up of cardboard

She found while digging through the trash