
Little Time

By Renee Born

The night was warm and a blue haired girl sat alone at a bar. She was at one end, trying to catch a glimpse of a woman sitting opposite, a woman with long dark hair and caramel skin. Robyn knew her from somewhere, she was sure of it.


By Annie Barry

She stood in front of a mirror

Clean and sober thinking about how she feels taller than her own reflection

Then she took an injection


By Ayush Pandit

They’ve run out of garbage bags to use as body bags.

Power lines cracked in half like splintered pencils are strewn through the streets

neighborhoods panic as the ground forgets what being solid is again

Time It Takes to Sober Up

By Emme Mackenzie

“What is one factor that affects the Blood Alcohol Level and is an extremely important factor (in order to ‘sober up’)?”