Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas

Jun 30, 2010

bonhoeffer.jpgBefore reading this book, I was already familiar with Deitrich Bonhoeffer, the amazing minister and theologian who sacrificed his life in an attempt to save his beloved countrymen from Hitler. However, after completing Metaxas' biography on this great man, Bonhoeffer is now elevated to my list of most favorite persons. He would definitely be one of my answers to the "If you could ask six people from history to have supper with who would they be?"
What an inspiring person! What I'm most impressed with is the way he lived what he preached. Bonhoeffer was raised in a family of privilege and wealth. He had contacts across the globe, relatives in powerful positions within the German government and money. Yet he chose to return to his country and to involve himself in a plot to murder Hitler, while his fellow pastors sat by wringing their hands and debating whether or not a Christian should be involved in a murder plot. Metaxas does a wonderful job of presenting the many sides of this heroic figure whose life was sacrificed by the evil Nazi empire.

Reviewed by Melody K.
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