Will Schwalbe, author of The End of Your Life Book Club, the true story of Schwalbe and his dying mother reading and discussing books together at the end of her life, now shares another meaningful book. Books for Living reveals how particular books have taught Schwalbe life lessons over the years. He says these are “books that prompted me to remember something, realize something or see my life and the world differently.” The book is written in short contained chapters that are quick and easy to read one or two at a time.
I was familiar with some of the books and I understand how he takes meaning from them – learning kindness from Wonder by R.J. Palacio, the importance of recharging from Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh, and sensitivity from Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott. I was also introduced to new books that I have added to my “to read” list, like The Importance of Living by Lin Yutang, a book written in the 1930’s that still speaks to a busy and chaotic world and the value of slowing down. A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara is a National Book Award finalist about deep friendship and brotherly love.
I liked Schwalbe’s book and it made me think about some of the books that have spoken to me - A Homemade Life by Molly Wizenberg and Things I've Been Silent About by Azar Nafisi.. If you like this type of book, you might also try You’ve Got to Read this Book, or My Ideal Bookshelf.