Breathless by Dean Koontz

Mar 25, 2010

breathless.JPGSo…..I am sitting in my chaise, under my blanket, one cold February evening reading Dean Koontz’ newest novel. My husband is watching TV and, for some unknown reason, talking to me during the commercials. I am totally enthralled with this book and have no time to chat. I take out my hearing aids so that my husband, and the TV, become muffled gibberish and I can now concentrate on this fascinating novel. Finally my husband yells to get my attention. “That must be a pretty good book,” he said. “What is it about?” I said, “Ah….I’m not really sure what it is about yet but it is really good. You can read it when I finish it.” I finished it in three days and still have no idea what it was about but it was wonderful! My husband said it is one of the best books he has ever read and he THINKS he knows what it was about but he would want to read it one more time before committing himself. Why not try it? Maybe you can figure it out.

Reviewed by Library Staff