In July of 2007, Catherine Tidd lost her husband, Brad, in an accident and suddenly found herself a 31-year-old widow with three small children. In Confessions of a Mediocre Widow, Tidd chronicles her experience with sudden widowhood and the journey of self-discovery her husband's loss prompted.
The first half of the book focuses on the loss and immediate aftermath of Brad's death. Tidd discusses her last moments with Brad, the shock of his death, how her mind (like so many other widows) could only process the loss in pieces, the crowds of people in the days after, and her new relationship with the people around her. The second half talks more about Tidd's emotional journey. Like so many other widows, Tidd tried to move through grief quickly to find some normalcy. But as Tidd learns, that normalcy is gone -- it left with her husband. She discovers she has two choices: "embrace it or fight it." By embracing the grief, she was able to grow from her loss and gain a perspective of life that is unique to those who have lost a spouse suddenly.
With the advantage of years between her loss and when she wrote this book, the humor can at times feel uncomfortable, but the story is honest to how Tidd processed her grief. Her sense of humor may make this a more comfortable book for those who are also years removed from loss. For those recently widowed, her story may provide hope as well as the reassurance that the things you are experiencing and feeling are normal and there can be a light (and laughter) at the of the tunnel.