Conversations with Other Women is not your typical film. Shot entirely in split screen, the story follows a woman (Helena Bonham Carter) and man (Aaron Eckhart) as they meet at a wedding. As the night progresses, it becomes clear that this chance meeting might not be all that it seems.
I picked up Conversations with Other Women after a friend suggested it to me. The subject matter is not light, as it deals with failed relationships, emotionally exposing yourself, and former expectations that may not have come to fruition. I found the story to be engaging in the way it unfolded between these two anonymous individuals. But, what really worked for me was the split screen, which allowed for each character to represent their reactions, thoughts, and at times, emotions that were hidden just beneath the surface.
If you need more to a film than an in-depth look at a relationship, or if you like to focus on one screen, this film may not be for you. However, if you are looking for a realistic exploration of two lives with interesting camera-work, give this film a try.