Parents: if you’re looking for a few hours of uninterrupted time to yourself, check out Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney--for your kid. NoveList, an online database the Library subscribes to, is a great resource for books. It lists the minimum reading level for this book at 2nd grade and the maximum reading level at 8th grade. I’d agree that’s about right. If you’ve got a 7-year-old Human Reading Vacuum, a 14-year-old reluctant reader, or anyone in between, it’s a good bet they’ll become engrossed in this book.
I let our seven-year-old Human Reading Vacuum stay up way past her bedtime the other night so she could finish reading it. She had begun reading it that morning before getting ready for school. I don’t understand kids today. I used to watch cartoons on TV before getting ready for school. Then, as soon as she got back home, she hurriedly finished her homework, grabbed a lollipop and cracked open the book again. By bedtime she had just a few more pages left, so I let her stay up.
She wanted to read it during dinner but I told her she needed to put it down and talk to me for a few minutes. Guess what we talked about? The book.
Greg and his best friend Rowley are sixth grade middle-schoolers. Because of their small size they are picked on by the bigger, more popular boys. Then, to Greg’s dismay, Rowley gets more popular. Greg has to figure out what he’s going to do.
That’s just book one. There are eight books in the series, so if you need lots of time to yourself, put a hold on all eight copies for your kiddo and enjoy your quiet home.