"Ladies in Lavender" (2004) is a British film about two spinster sisters in pre-WWII England, and filmed in the beautiful area of Cornwall on the south western tip of Great Britain. The sisters are played by two grande dames of the British theater: Judi Dench and Maggie Smith; they play their parts as naturally as breathing. The simple plot finds the sisters on their beach the morning after a heavy storm. They discover a nearly drowned young man who was swept overboard from his ship. The sisters nurse him to health, and learn in the meantime he is Polish and an accomplished violinist. The story concludes with a slightly unrealistic 'movie' ending, but otherwise this film is a lovely glimpse into small British town.
If you watch movies with someone who only likes high action, violence, and special effects he/she will never forgive you for borrowing this film from JCL. For the rest of us, it is a breath of fresh air with wonderful acting, scenery, and a violin score performed by Joshua Bell.