British aristocracy has an interesting hold on many people around the world, the closer to the Royal Family and the more intense this interest and scrutiny becomes.
Lady Glenconner served as a maid of honor at the Coronation of Elizabeth II in 1953, and was Extra Lady-in-waiting to Queen Elizabeth II's sister, Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon, from 1971 until the Princess died in 2002.
Life among the titled is not all high teas and hunting parties; as this book will show, titles and privilege do not always guarantee a happy life, although more often than not, it is an interesting one.
This book is not an expose of the lives of the Royals, rather it gives the reader a peek behind the curtain of mystique that many aristocrats still live behind. She describes her life in relation to her family, to the Royal family in general and in particular her service to (and close friendship with) Princess Margaret.
Lady in Waiting is a gripping tale that's well-told, with a dry sense of humor and no trace of self pity. Lady Glenconner's story shines a light on a life of service, loss and mental illness.
A perfect read for any fan of Royalty, and for those who would like more information on how the upper classes live.