I have been a fan of Stephanie Laurens ever since I picked up Devil's Bride, the start of her her long, long running Cynster series. While I enjoy following that series, after book 23, it's nice to be able to take a break. The heroine of The Lady's Command is Lady Edwina Delbraith. Lady Edwina and the Delbraith family were first introduced in The Lady Risks All. While it's not necessary, I suggest reading or re-reading The Lady Risks All first for background on Lady Edwina. The hero, Declan Frobisher, is part of a respected sea-faring family which will feature prominently in the next books of The Adventurers Quartet: A Buccaneer at Heart, The Daredevil Snared, and Lord of the Privateers.
As the story opens, Edwina and Declan have just married. Each has a different view on how this marriage will continue. Declan knows he will be called to sea soon and expects Edwina to be waiting for him when he returns. Edwina, however, has other plans. When Declan is asked by the Crown to investigate the disappearances of individuals in Freetown, Edwina decides to stowaway. The story that follows is full of adventure, mystery, and romance.
There are two elements to the book that I found to be refreshing and slightly different from other historical romances. Element #1 is the marriage of Edwina and Declan. Unlike other romances, the story begins after their marriage. Instead of featuring their courtship, the story focuses on the building of their relationship and the conflict resulting from their expectations of the marriage. Element #2 is the location. The story starts in England, travels to West Africa, and returns to England. It was interesting to see how aspects of English Society carried over to the colony, but also combined with native life.
If you are a fan of Stephanie Laurens, you should definitely pick this one up. If you are a fan of historical romances and are looking for something a little different, give this one a chance.