“And now go, and make interesting amazing glorious fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for your being here. Make good art.” How can you not feel a little inspired and empowered after hearing that? These are the compelling closing lines of Neil Gaiman’s May 2012 commencement speech delivered to the graduates of Philadelphia’s University of the Arts. In Make Good Art, his words are creatively set to page by graphic designer Chip Kidd. Gaiman’s message is applicable to anyone, not just artists or graduates. I may have even tacked one or two of his lines to my wall. Sometimes the text-based art seems distracting, but often it really adds to the simple, inspirational speech. If you prefer conventional typesetting, however, this is not the book for you. Instead, why not watch the video of this speech? This little book would also make a nice gift, but don’t give away a library copy!