A Million Suns by Beth Revis

Apr 4, 2012

A Million Suns, the sequel to Beth Revis’ best-selling Across the Universe, starts three months after the action of Across the Universe.  Elder now leads the ship, and the ship’s citizens are free from the mind-controlling drug Phydus, but things are far from being peaceful.  Elder and Amy are racing to uncover the truth behind the Godspeed’s stalled journey and the people on the ship are heady with newfound freedom.  Crime and violence erupt on all the ship’s levels.  Mutiny is all but certain.  Through all this, Amy is following a series of clues left by Orion, the former leader-in-training, that reveal a secret so unexpected and stunning that it has the power to change everything. 

A Million Suns is a thoroughly enjoyable read—even more fast-paced than Across the Universe—featuring a broad and varied cast of characters from every level of the shipDespite the stalled romantic storyline, this second installment advances the story in a way that many middle books in trilogies fail to do.  And because the story switches from Elder’s and Amy’s points of view and is heavy on the action, it should appeal to male readers as well as female.  Highly recommended for any fans of light sci-fi or young adult literature.

Reviewed by Library Staff