Miracle Dogs: Rescue Stories showcases those who have taken a chance by rescuing abandoned dogs. These inspirational stories are complemented by amazing color photographs. Each dog will draw you in with their heartwarming stories and touch your heart. Some families are famous stars, some are everyday people, and some are from organizations.
Lance Bass, former lead singer of ‘N Sync, has adopted several shelter dogs. Two were thrown from a speeding car in a garbage bag, and they needed surgery. Lance has rescued eight dogs and says, "They are best loving dogs from the pound."
Wyatt is a golden retriever who helps Ashton, a young boy with autism. Through their companionship, Wyatt helps Ashton learn patience and empathy, which leads to greater success in interacting with others.
Chevy Chase’s yellow Lab, Chris, was rejected by a training program due to food allergies. Chris is especially cute because he smiles with his eyes closed. There are so many uplifting stories about these and other adorable rescue dogs and the owners who gave them their forever homes.