"The Philosopher's Stone" is a two-CD collection of outtakes, alternate versions and other "orphan" songs by Van Morrison that, for one reason or another, didn't make it onto one of his regular albums.
Collections like this by other artists can be problematic -- that is, the listener can be left wondering why the material was released at all, given that it's generally inferior. With Morrison, that's not the case. For one thing, he's been so prolific over the years that even the songs left on the editing floor are worthy of attention.
For another, "The Philosopher's Stone" includes some real gems, including "Crazy Jane On God," a musical adaptation of William Butler Yeats' poem that was supposed to be on Morrison's "A Sense of Wonder" album. At the time, the Yeats estate would not grant permission for the words to be used, so Morrison had to go with something else. By the time of "Philosopher's Stone," the estate's position had softened, thankfully. "Crazy Jane" is a beautiful piece of music ... and the lyrics aren't bad, either. ;)
Another standout here: A longer, alternate version of Morrison's "Wonderful Remark"; the shorter rendering was included on the soundtrack for Martin Scorcese's film "The King of Comedy."
"The Philosopher's Stone" isn't just for Morrison completists. This two-disc set demonstrates the breadth of his songwriting talent but also his various artistic obsessions, including his obviously deep knowledge of literature.