Johnson County Library is pleased to announce that Annie Newcomer has won our writing contest on the theme The Reluctant I with her poem "Gray Cat In Ephesus."
Annie Newcomer lives in Prairie Village with her husband, David and their Aussiedoodle, Summit. 2 Muses for 1 poet in 1 household-- such a deal. Annie created a not-for-profit for children called Kansas City Spirit. Currently she is a poetry editor for Flapper Press having launched their Poetry Cafe which offers a myriad of writing opportunities for poets. Originally from Syracuse, New York, she finds Kansas City a fascinating place to live and to thrive.
Gray Cat In Ephesus
I observe her enter on all fours,
quietly take her place
on top a pillar. She's strategic
as she positions herself
among the ruins. Looking down
on all who enter, caring not why they come,
nor how long they plan to stay,
she only senses the inevitability
of their arrival. Majestic, hidden
in plain sight, her tail's magnificent
serpent of fur coils round her base.
She remains immobile and dignified
like Cleopatra on a throne in ancient times,
solemn to duty, intent to hold court.
Perfection in her posture pulls my eyes
to her, but she knows to ignore. Statues
from antiquity have stone hearts.
Hers, beats.