Seraphina is an unusual woman in an unusual world. Humans and dragons coexist in a mostly peaceful, if a bit strained, manner. That they can inhabit the same city at all is due to the dragons’ ability to assume a human shape.
Considering how many, many books have been written about dragons, it was refreshing to come upon a different take on the subject. What would a dragon be like if its body became human? Would it still be a dragon on the inside? Have dragonish thoughts, feelings, and attitudes? If it’s the huge dragon body with its sharp claws and teeth that frightens people, would a dragon still be as scary in human form?
For Seraphina, outward appearances are vital to her safety. Yet, she is willing to risk her own well-being to uncover a sinister plot that she is uniquely qualified to investigate.
On the surface, Seraphina is a fantasy and mystery story. However, there are more subtle, or not so subtle, undertones of self-acceptance, belonging, and identity.
This could be a good read for those who enjoyed Christopher Paolini’s Eragon series, Dragon's Keep by Janet Lee Carey, or The Hero and the Crown by Robin McKinley.