“Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
The Seventh Wish, by Kate Messner, interweaves fantasy and real life. This middle-grade fiction novel focuses on magic, empathy, overcoming obstacles, and family/friend relationships.
Charlie Brennan, twelve-years-old, is ice fishing when she catches her first fish. The fish offers her a wish in trade for its freedom.
Charlie takes up ice fishing to pay for the perfect solo dress for her upcoming Irish dancing competition. She desperately wants to move up in the next class and needs to do well. Not only that, but she is also working on a science project for school. She’s a busy girl! With all that going on, she thought a few wishes would solve some of the problems her family and friends are facing. Her family faces a major crisis when they realize that Abby, Charlie’s older sister, has become addicted to drugs while she’s been away at college. Charlie can’t make a wish to make this situation right. Mrs. McNeill, her neighbor, says “You know the thing about magic Charlie? We can wish on clovers and shooting stars and ice flowers all we want. But in the end, the only real magic is what’s inside of us and the people we love. Some things are beyond even magic.”
She learns through hard work, and family/friend love and support you can accomplish your goals.
This book could serve as a foundation for impactful conversations around addiction and empathy.