
Oct 2, 2012

Stuck on Nothing is the debut album by Philadelphia-based rock band, Free Energy. Free Energy is Scott Wells, Paul Sprangers, Evan Wells, Nicholas Shuminsky, and Sheridan Fox. According to Wikipedia, Free Energy falls into the category of power pop. Power pop is a “popular musical genre that draws its inspiration from 1960s British and American pop and rock music.” The album is full of fun, catchy songs featuring lots of guitar and vocal harmonies.         

If you haven’t heard of Free Energy, I suggest you pick up Stuck on Nothing. It is a great album for driving around in the car with the

May 20, 2012

Performed by:  Yo-yo Ma—cello;  Edgar Meyer—bass, piano, gamba; Stuart Duncan—fiddle; Chris Thile—mandolin, guitar, fiddle & gamba; Aoife O’Donovan & Chris Thile—vocals (tracks 5, 9)

If you like unusual instrumental combinations and intricate musical lines you will like The Goat Rodeo Sessions.   According to the website, a goat rodeo is ”a situation that order cannot be brought to [at] anytime” or “about the most polite term used by aviation people . . .  to describe a scenario that requires about 100 things to go right at once if you intend to walk away from it.” To me

Putumayo Presents

Rated by Library Staff (not verified)
Jul 2, 2010

euro-groove.jpgIf you have ever had any curiousity at all about the world of music, and the amazing diversity of rhythms, instruments, vocalizations, melodies and harmonies to be found outside of pop rock or classical, you would do well to listen to the variety of Putumayo Presents recordings JCL and Olathe Libraries own! While many of the titles are in the Youth collections, many are catalogued World Folk and include Putumayo Presents Puerto Rico, French Caribbean, Global Soul, Brazilian Lounge, Swing Around the World, India--there are amazing choices available to pick from!  After listening to several, I