
Alone Together

By Sherry Turkle

Rated by Library Staff (not verified)
Oct 3, 2017

As one who did not grow up with the internet, I was interested to see what Turkle's opinion is on where we began and where we currently are concerning the internet and how it has changed us.

Turkle’s writing is wonderfully readable and she has done a great job of translating facts and statistics into tangible, real-life scenarios we can all relate to in one way or another. One of the more interesting points Turkle makes in Alone Together, is that the average person might think with the explosion of an ever increasingly sophisticated technology, coupled with sites like Facebook and Twitter

The Extreme Searcher's Internet Handbook by Randolph Hock

Rated by Library Staff (not verified)
Aug 2, 2012

This book provides researchers with tools and strategies to explore alternate “web terrains.” The introduction contains a very brief internet history, the principles of search algorithms and WebCrawlers. The main purpose of the book is to share the little known “underworld “of the internet, variously known as Deep Web, Invisible Web or Hidden Web.  This “underworld,” invisible to search engines, is estimated to have 200 - 500 times the content of the visible web.

The Extreme Searcher’s Internet Handbook provides information on the retrieval of old web pages,  gives pointers on the confusing

Sep 21, 2011

  While Don't Make Me Think is clearly written with web designers and developers in mind, it’s a useful read for anyone who uses the web regularly or provides content for their organization/company site. Krug is highly entertaining and has condensed his material to a high-impact, low-time investment resource.

He begins by describing, based on years of his own usability studies, how people really search and use the Internet. Moving forward, he explains how to capitalize on this knowledge, and then provides real examples of sites that work well, sites that don’t, and how he would change them

Jul 27, 2010

shallows2.jpegeverythingbadisgoodforyou2.jpegartofmemory3.jpegcritiqueofpurereason1.jpegSome of you may remember Nicholas Carr’s Atlantic article “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” that was published back in 2008.  I recall reading the article and leaving somewhat skeptical of Carr’s overall argument.   Since then Carr has expanded his argument giving birth to a book discussing the Internet and how it is changing our mental landscape.   Well, being the sucker I am to read anything on the subject of reading, let alone reading and the Internet, I couldn’t resist giving Carr another shot.

Essentially, Carr’s argument is that reading on the Internet and the distractions inherent in the