
The Word Exchange

By Alena Graedon

Rated by Library Staff (not verified)
Dec 13, 2014

What more could you ask for in a book about people who love words and communication and the preservation of that communication? When I started reading The Word Exchange I had no access to a dictionary and definitely needed one. I almost gave up right away but decided to pick my adult children's brains and see if I could continue.  Nope, they didn't know those words either, so I continued to read.  I was fascinated by how the book drew me in and made me want to learn the meaning behind the words, but I definitely felt lost a time or two. The book begins with the story of Ana and her father

The Language of Fiction: a writer’s stylebook

By Brian Shawver

Rated by Library Staff (not verified)
Sep 3, 2013

I confess a bias. Brian, the author, is my nephew. This is his third publication following two novels, a baseball story entitled The Cuban Prospect and the introspective Aftermath. This latest offering is a book about grammar, but it doesn't read like a textbook. His theme is that a thorough grasp of grammar frees the writer to concentrate on the creative aspects of storytelling and improves the quality of writing. Brian uses multiple examples of grammar from passages of the great writers, and not surprisingly, throws in plenty of humor along the way. The index helps in finding pages about