
Mermaids in Paradise

By Lydia Millet

Rated by Library Staff (not verified)
Jun 23, 2015

If you’re expecting something akin to Hans Christian Andersen’s Little Mermaid, you will be in for a disappointment. Lydia Millet’s Mermaids in Paradise is both hilarious and heart-wrenching. Narrator Deb has just gotten married to Chip, her positive, gregarious partner. They are on their honeymoon in the Caribbean when they become involved in a mermaid sighting, a questionable death, corporate greed, a kidnapping, and a myriad of other activities. The supporting cast of characters includes best friend Gina (“Everything’s performance art with her, she lives in a world of irony”), a hipster


By Hannah Moskowitz
Star Rating

Rated by Kate M.
Jan 3, 2014

Rudy's life changes drastically when the family moves to a remote island for his ailing little brother's health. A fairly popular guy at school (especially with the ladies) Rudy is one of the few people below 30 living on the island. Everyone on the island is there for one reason...the magic fish that appear to have the ability to heal any illness. When the doctors and medicine fail his little brother, Rudy's family risks everything to come to the island. 

While his little brother seems to improve, Rudy counts down the days until he leaves for college, and a return to a normal life. Meanwhile

Lullaby by Amanda Hocking

Rated by Lisa J.
Feb 1, 2013

Book two in the Watersong trilogy, Lullaby, picks right up where Wake left off.  Harper is desperate to find her sixteen-year-old sister Gemma who has run off with Penn, Thea, and Lexi after a horrific fight where Penn turns into a monster and the girls all swam away with mermaid tails.  Harper is convinced that Gemma didn’t want to go with them but left to keep them safe and has somehow become a mermaid.  While Harper, Alex, and Daniel research mermaids, Gemma is busy trying to get used to being a siren and all that entails (pun intended).  Gemma learns that the other sirens need her as there