scary story contest

Scary Story Youth Writing Contest 2021

Scary Stories 2021 Youth Writing Contest Winner: "Hell-No-Ween"

By Alexandra S.
Star Rating

Rated by Heather M
Nov 10, 2021

Johnson County Library is pleased to announce that Alexandra S. has won third place in the 12-14 age group for the Scary Stories 2021 Youth Writing Contest with her piece "Hell-No-Ween"


“Ava, wake up! It’s Halloween, remember?” Henry announced. Not announced, more like shrieked into her ear. Ava rubbed her eyes and sat up as her eight year old brother bounced on to her bed.

Halloween. Of course it was Halloween. How could she have forgotten? Henry didn’t understand how horrible Halloween was, how just the word made Ava’s insides squirm and shiver. Halloween.

“Go away,” Ava grumbled. She

Scary Story Youth Writing Contest 2021

Scary Stories 2021 Youth Writing Contest Winner: "Pariah"

By Madeleine T.
Star Rating

Rated by Heather M
Nov 10, 2021

Johnson County Library is pleased to announce that Madeleine T. has won third place in the 13-19 age group for the Scary Stories 2021 Youth Writing Contest with her piece "Pariah"


..that was when the tunnel emerged from the darkness ahead, and Isaac found that all of his thoughts had incinerated abruptly. It was a highway underpass, through which the ditch water could run to the far side, and a water line had been eroded and stained onto the concrete where the turgid water would lick in the spring and early summer months. Above everything could be heard the roar of cars passing on the

Scary Story Youth Writing Contest 2021

Scary Stories 2021 Youth Writing Contest Winner: "The Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond"

By James P.
Star Rating

Rated by Heather M
Nov 10, 2021

Johnson County Library is pleased to announce that James P. has won first place in the 13-19 age group for the Scary Stories 2021 Youth Writing Contest with his piece "The Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond."


Around them the mist continued to drift, seeping into their veins, sapping their spirits. The younger of the two brothers poked his head from out of his sleeping bag which lay on the cold, merciless dirt in the clearing of the cold, merciless forest which was infused with the cold, merciless mist that had awoken his body with chills throughout.

“Stuart,” he shouted with a whisper. The sack

Scary Story Youth Writing Contest 2021

Scary Stories 2021 Youth Writing Contest Winner: "The Ghosts at Tanuki Mansion"

By Georgia M.
Star Rating

Rated by Heather M
Nov 10, 2021

Johnson County Library is pleased to announce that Georgia M. has won third place in the youth age group for the Scary Stories 2021 Youth Writing Contest with this piece "The Ghosts at Tanuki Mansion."

I’m not sure if I believe the rumor that Tanuki Mansion is haunted.

I’ve been there multiple times on school field trips, and only minor ‘scary’ things have happened.

My brother Tino believes it.

I think it’s because his best friend,

Mason, comes up with these crazy stories about ghosts haunting the upper floors.

Now, when the third graders go to Tanuki Mansion on a field trip, Tino stays home

Scary Story Youth Writing Contest 2021

Scary Stories 2021 Youth Writing Contest Winner: "The House on the Hill"

By Andrea F.
Star Rating

Rated by Heather M
Nov 10, 2021

Johnson County Library is pleased to announce that Andrea F. has won second place in the youth age group for the Scary Stories 2021 Youth Writing Contest with her piece "The House on the Hill"


One day, three girls, Beth, Sky, and Vanessa, were taking a walk. Then they saw the woods. Everybody that went in, never came out. Beth, Sky, and Vanessa were not scared. They wanted to explore every corner of the woods, so they went in. A few minutes later, it began to get dark, so they decided to go back, but they were lost! They didn’t have a map, so it seemed like they were stuck in the woods

Scary Story Youth Writing Contest 2021

Scary Stories 2021 Youth Writing Contest Winner: "The Pine Wood"

By Nova M.
Star Rating

Rated by Heather M
Nov 10, 2021

Johnson County Library is pleased to announce that Nova M. has won first place in the youth age group for the Scary Stories 2021 Youth Writing Contest with her piece "The Pine Wood"


I stared at the forest of dark pine trees looming over me, laughing at me, each becoming a vision of the one I used to welcome into my house, my arms, my heart, until he stood over my parents with a bloody knife in his hand and the look of a crazed, cornered, monstrous animal in his eye, his beautiful kaleidoscopic eye, the eye I could sink into and be lost inside. Those pools of colors and sadness and

Scary Story Youth Writing Contest 2021

Scary Stories 2021 Youth Writing Contest Winner: "The Storyteller"

By Avah D.
Star Rating

Rated by Heather M
Nov 10, 2021

Johnson County Library is pleased to announce that Avah D. has won second place in the 12-14 age group for the Scary Stories 2021 Youth Writing Contest with her piece "The Storyteller"


“Mama, tell me a story.”


The girl loves stories, gobbles them down like sugar. The words fill her up, twisty and sharp and smooth, and come to life behind her eyes.


She requests a story most every night, as the waves rock her to sleep. Mama lights a candle and sits by her bed in the hard wooden chair and tells her a story, finishing right when the candle winks out with a wisp of smoke. By that time

Scary Story Youth Writing Contest 2021

Scary Stories 2021 Youth Writing Contest Winner: "The Trapdoor"

By Iago M.
Star Rating

Rated by Heather M
Nov 10, 2021

Johnson County Library is pleased to announce that Iago M. has won first place in the 12-14 age group for the Scary Stories 2021 Youth Writing Contest with his piece "The Trapdoor"


Oliver’s antique shop was not exceptional in any way. It did not have much inventory, what it sold did not hold much significance, it was not even the most popular antique shop on the street. This meant nothing to Oliver. When he opened the front door to the shop in the morning, he was at the crossroads to a thousand worlds.

The old china teacup resting on an equally ancient coffee table could have been the

Scary Story Youth Writing Contest 2021

Scary Stories 2021 Youth Writing Contest Winner: "What Happened in Glen Forest"

By Ripley N.
Star Rating

Rated by Heather M
Nov 10, 2021

Johnson County Library is pleased to announce that Ripley N. has won second place in the 13-19 age group for the Scary Stories 2021 Youth Writing Contest with their piece "What Happened in Glen Forest"


Omnes una manet nox. That’s what it said on the invitation. Cole didn’t know much Latin, but he knew that said one, night or dark, and omnes. Many? Whatever it meant, Cole was in.

He had been delivering the weekly paper when he arrived at Taryn Nichols’ house and found the invitation in her mailbox. Listen, it was sticking out of the top of the mailbox, begging for him to look! Anyways, on