Tails and Tales Writing Contest Winner

red haired woman in green sweater with a black and white dog
Marcia Hurlow
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Oct 13, 2021

Johnson County Library is pleased to announce that Marcia Hurlow has won our open category writing contest on the theme of Tails and Tales with her piece "Olfaction." 

Marcia L. Hurlow's first full-length collection of poetry, Anomie, won the Edges Prize. She also has five chapbooks. More than 400 of her individual poems have appeared in literary magazines, including Poetry, Chicago Review, River Styx, Poetry East, Nimrod, Poetry Northwest, Stand, Cold Mountain, Zone 3 and The Journal, among others. She is co-editor of Kansas City Voices.


I walk behind Lucky as he leaps

through this Kansas field of timothy,

ragweed, purple thistle, Queen Anne’s Lace,

kicking up grasshoppers and pollen

as clear in this thick air as his black spots.

The musty smell of hay takes me back

to Ohio, where I stood in tree shade

and called “hey boss” to the Jerseys grazing

in stark sun. I waved a small branch

of maple leaves over the barbed wire fence

and Junie, the one with the white star

between her eyes, ambled over

and curled her grey tongue around the limb,

tugged it out of my hand and turned her back.

At eight I couldn’t reach more branches

and my grandparents wouldn’t let me

climb steps without holding the rail,

let alone climb a tree, so I watched

her tail swat flies as she swayed back

to her cluster of sisters, angling

into the center as if they were her

constellation, awaiting her return.

Now Lucky gallops toward me, his eyes

sparking, his tongue trailing from his mouth

like a bright red scarf. I want to think

he is showing me his joy in this

July morning. He runs past me an acre,

stops, lies down and rolls his broad shoulders

in something he wants to remember,

stands to shake off the dew and runs again.


Reviewed by Helen H.
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