Don’t let Twenty-eight and a Half Wishes mystery classification fool you. This book is a perfect blend of mystery and romance with just a touch of fantasy.
Rose Gardner has had the gift of second sight her whole life, although her mother has convinced her it’s proof that she’s evil. When she sees her first ever vision of herself, and she’s dead to boot, her reaction sets a chain of events in motion that she’s powerless to stop. Just as she’s powerless to stop the advances of her handsome, but secretive, neighbor Joe.
When Rose’ mother takes her place in the vision, and she becomes a suspect, Rose tries to spend her remaining time as a free woman living; spending time with her sister, and the evasive, yet persistent Joe.
Twenty-eight and a Half Wishes won’t be your next book club pick, but it’s perfect for those times when you want to check out and hide behind someone else’s problems. First in a trilogy, Denise Grover Swank can keep you comfortably in hiding, wishing for a snow day.
Swank is an Indie author living in the Kansas City area. She receives so many questions about Indie publishing that she has put together A Business Plan for Indie Authors.