I happened upon Witches of Lychford as it lurked, unnoticed amongst row upon row of bestsellers, midlist titles, and forgotten classics--not unlike the way Autumn stumbled upon the gateway to another world. It was there all along, simply hidden in plain view.
Cornell, writer of comics like Batman & Robin, Wolverine, and Doctor Who, puts a witch, a reverend, and a non-believer of both in the middle of a clash between quaint little town lovers and the corporations that want to modernize them with big box stores. The threat of modernization is both tantalizing and threatening. The town is already divided when Judith, the resident witch, Lizzie, the reverend, and Autumn, the magic shop owner who fears herself a mental case, discover the town's charm isn't the only potential victim. Construction plans will destroy the physical barriers between worlds and Judith, Lizzy and Autumn must find a way to stop the unstoppable.
Charming characters, a charming town, and a charming villain combine to make Witches of Lychford a creepy yet delightful novella.