

a guide to facing the world

By Eden Amaryllis

leave your house for a while,
traipse around and think that
you’d rather be at home.
remind yourself the world has meaning
even though
you don't believe it.
work tirelessly,
rest after it’s too late.
note that privilege comes with guilt
feel guilty

I Would Say...

By Hannah Jenkins

I would say that by noon my

Heart really knew my purpose

My goals, the plan for rescue.

I would say that it’s better

To never regret, never take back,

Try not to be a brat.

I know that life is better when

One is not alone.


By Michelle Chan

Falling , falling down to earth

toward the place I was given birth

I close my eyes and count to three

A sad requiem for an unknown dream.

Why is it that people of this nation

Are only in it for the fascination?

Always on the run


By Julia Marquez

In real life things don’t have outlines.

Real World

By Maddie Miguel

This is the real world

With limited freedom, and lots of things to fear

Where you can’t get away from the truth

This is where violence lives, and people follow you

Where guns are triggered at any time or place


By Matthew Moorefield

Why does each day repeat in the same way? You constantly rise, in the morning only to fall asleep, forever, without warning. The day after day routine, was just a blink of an eye, between beginning and end. Now you are alone, not a single friend.

Story of the Stone

By Blaire Ginsburg

Minor fissures,

Just hairline cracks,

Spread slowly

At first,

Fine lines on a

Smooth surface;

Creeping across a

Marble plain,

Barely making

A sound, but

Marking - scarring

The Parasite Lives and Grows

By Rachel Franklin

Once upon a time Goliath fell.

They built buildings on his body

and David walked away without looking back

didn’t know his victory

until he moved

opened the door

to have his pebble drop at his feet

Somewhere in Between

By Briana Hooper

Somehow you have found, where I was in the ground. I am there, I am also here. You have something new to fear. I’m not alive, but not quite dead . Though this is not what you have read. While light can be quite fun, I must avoid the world with sun. To walk the night is not quite what you think.

Where Am I

By Elijiah Hernandez

I hear walkie talkies – kusssshhhhh.

People talking, “Blah, blah, blah, bleep.”

I hear toilets flush.

Basketballs bounce and swoosh.

This place is full of it: empty. 

Patchwork of Places

By Catherine Strayhall

The losses we experience

The victories we achieve…

They become intertwined

With the places we inhabit

As we go about our lives.

Meaning and memory tie us to these places

So that even when we leave somewhere,

Available Space

By Faith Freeman

Place: noun, defined as a portion of space available or designated for or being used by someone; i.e. one’s spot at the table, or if you think like me, one’s place in this world.