
divination for the divine

By Alrisha Shea

look at them,

so cavalier, drinking

future-liquor in a future-

Rebirth of the Earth

By Isobel Li


The sky outside is an awful dusty grey-red color.

Outside the glass dome of the city, you can see toxic clouds clutter the dirty colored sky. 

Inside though can be described in one word – vibrant.

Mother Time

By Anonymous

Between her slender fingers she pivots the earth

Amused by how the blues and greens twirl

We let the motion power us

Letting it rock us and push us, haunt us and slow us.

Our lives are dictated by her constant motion.

The Ancients

By Mario William Vitale

It’s my last day with the old giants

In mourning I hike the lost trails,

sniffing the aroma of the bark,

that cinnamon of the forest

Under tepees of wood

in a membrane of shadows,

I stalk the earth, its mammal traces,