
god bless

By Samiya Rasheed

Varuna pulled forth the world the heavens the stars

With a roll of his tongue he wrenched time in her place

A word on his lips and the floods would recede

From sludge he said let there be more

In the Deep Time

By Alrisha Shea

When we wake, we stretch to

fill out our expectations of where

what should be & then we look in

the mirror for confirmation is this

me is this me is this & we know it’s


By Meghan Dillon

The sun dawns upon me

Again I’m greeted to gasps of reality

Holding onto dreams I can disappear into 

until the day breaks, bright and true

Every morning I breathe incapabilities 

but I still wake with a certain heart

Time’s Beauty

By Willow Vaughn

Time is a girl with curly hair that bounces with every step and twirl she takes

She talks with her hands but never fails to find the right word to say

She can be by your side one second and gone the next

Getting lost in the crowd is fun to her