
Joy Still Left

By Ryan Mackey

A old man beyond salvation

slumps on the ground

and prepares for his end.

He starts listing what he doesn’t have

Fire and Powder

By Robyn Peterson

“These violent delights have violent ends

And in their triumph die, like fire and powder,

Which, as they kiss, consume.”

-William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet 


By Richard Koulen

One star, a single shining star,

Made us today, who we are.

When rocks both smooth and coarse,

Came together with force.

When the galaxy was new,

Something in space was a brew!

tidal waves

By Olivia Humphrey

Some of my hobbies include:


and baking

and looking into your brown eyes until I fear that I just might lose myself inside of them.

A few of my favorite activities are:


and sewing