
Finding Passion

By Hailey DeWolfe


I am looking,

Through windows and doors,

Looking at trees and between the shores 

For that spark.

The little thing that ignites souls ablaze

Propels emotion to heights unknown 

Crimson and Blue

By Gus Brandmeyer

There is crimson and blue on the floors,

Where the players shoot, shoot, shoot, and score,

In the stands the crowd cheers,

For all of Lawrence to hear,

Basketball is in our DNA,

Ever since James Nai,

Searching for Starry Night

By Guanghao Yu

When I look into the lonely night sky,

I am reminded of yesterday’s passion.

Didn’t the stars fill the sky last night?

Didn’t your face reflect

The radiance of the moon?

We made music in the air, dancing

Under heaven’s light.

Parting Gift

By Guanghao Yu

Give me an unagitated evening,

where I could sleep-walk

under a light rose-petal sky,

and arrive at your door,

40 miles away,

just in time for dinner.