
Where You've Been

By Anonymous

What do you do when the place you call home

Is one that you no longer recognize; when you

Forget that place is no mere function of space,

But also a function of time; and the

Crystalline memories you can still see,


By Jack

This place, that place, there are so many in which I can be,

But I choose that one, the one where I can be free.

It can be a place where the sun shines at the crack of dawn,

A place that is so dreamy it can make me yawn.


By Ashley Decker

I couldn’t see the ocean, I couldn’t see the waves.

I didn’t even know there were waves.

Just a blue blur, like paint splattered on a blank canvas

Tripping over nothing,

Catching something that wasn’t there

A trick of the mind it was.

Place of Lore

By Isabel Nee

Down the winding path I stroll, through woods dark

And deep, where mystery and magic roam.

A swift stream runs here; high above, a lark

Sings sweet and clear, in a voice that calls “home.”

Onwards, a low growl comes from some deep cave