

By Lauren McGrath

The world is like a library, a huge, sprawling archive of every word ever written, and we are the books that line its endless shelves. Everyone has their own personal differences, and no two people can ever be exactly alike.


By Grace Atkins

Dreams become actions

impossible becomes possible

it’s what I love to do

becoming focused on my goals

reaching those limits

passing the bar

once I get a new idea

I go with it

I don’t give up


By Emma Olinger

Who’s experienced the bone-crushing feeling of being bullied? The tear-pulling fear of being abused again and again? The heart-piercing sadness when a loved one is lost?


By Maddy Hunt

I smile when people ask if I’m all right

But inside I’m screaming and aching

I feel as if my world is an act

I act my smiling when

I want to kick and thrash everything around me

I act my laughing when I want to cry