

By Alex Dodson

I walked into my room, setting my old backpack down next to my bed. One more, one more year and then I’ll be old enough to move out of this place people call a home.

Do I?

By Eric Gunnarson

Do I dare disturb the universe?

Indulge in the quizzical whims of questioning?

Sit on the throne of knowledge,

partake in the feast of Newton’s apple?

To eat the forbidden fruit,

and cast myself out of the paradise of ignorance,

Story of the Stone

By Blaire Ginsburg

Minor fissures,

Just hairline cracks,

Spread slowly

At first,

Fine lines on a

Smooth surface;

Creeping across a

Marble plain,

Barely making

A sound, but

Marking - scarring

The Parasite Lives and Grows

By Rachel Franklin

Once upon a time Goliath fell.

They built buildings on his body

and David walked away without looking back

didn’t know his victory

until he moved

opened the door

to have his pebble drop at his feet