
Ode to the Oddball

By Eric Gunnarson

There’s a simple liberating joy

In being different,

Being obtuse,

Having that little bit of self outside of normality,


People will either embrace it,

Or reject it.

Some will revel and thrive in their unlikeness,


By Portia Miller

What does it tell you?

Does it tell you what lies in your heart?

It tells you what lies on the outside,

That’s for certain.

It tells you how other people perceive you.

How they label you.

You have feel the weight of those labels.

Silhouettes in a Crowd

By Catherine Strayhall

As I walk through these crowds day after day,

I see people’s silhouettes;

The stuff they’re made of deep inside,

The good or bad they try to hide,

And their joy or sorrow with every breath.

Wicked Discretion

By Hannah Jenkins

It’s not about what you told me,

but what I chose to believe.

Nothing feels worse than living

an imaginary dream.

And they occur so often and freely

whenever Satan creeps in.

By the time I breathe, and count to ten