
once upon a time...

By Breanna Snare

The gem did spawn of evil’s fire

The gem shall be his portal

He comes to claim; our time is dire

The end of all things mortal

His reign of evil, he did conspire

The gem shall be his portal.

The Wish Garden: an excerpt

By Andie Davidson

A mindless leaf fluttered out of nowhere and perched on my sandaled foot. In the distance, a disorganized medley of birdsong made up an unrehearsed orchestra. Idyllic as it was, I was in the middle of a fairly typical snapshot of spring.

Past Memories: an excerpt

By Grant Hampton Glover

“Hostile vehicle moving to desired location, ”Ryan heard his spotter and put his handheld bible back into his shirt pocket. Ryan’s face was smeared with camouflage paint, and his rifle was covered in a rifle wrap, with his Ghillie suit covering the rest of his body.

Hot Blood Underground

By Ayah Abdul-Rauf

He is anchored to the cold room’s center

By metallic, unused fetters

Reluctance is his parapet and it’s likely to collapse

He lies amidst rusted traps

He is the first catch.